Cyberdise AG

Cyberdise Version 2.0 – Elevated Security and User Management

Cyberdise Version 2.0 – Elevated Security and User Management Release v2.0 New Features: 1. LDAP User Import Effortlessly integrate your existing user database with our new LDAP User Import feature. This functionality allows operators to seamlessly import users using LDAP(s) from directory services like Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and Microsoft Azure.Cyberdise also enables setting up[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.7 Introducing Programs and Whitelabel Features

Cyberdise Version 1.7 Introducing Programs and Whitelabel Features Key Features of Cyberdise Version 1.7: 1. Programs: With the introduction of “Programs,” Cyberdise revolutionizes the approach to cybersecurity training. Programs enable the consolidation of campaigns into cohesive units, streamlining the management of comprehensive courses. Each Program encompasses a series of campaigns, seamlessly integrating different modules. This[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.6 Enhancing Security and Client Management

Cyberdise Version 1.6 Enhancing Security and Client Management Cyberdise Version 1.6 introducing significant enhancements in tenant management and database security In Version 1.6, Cyberdise introduces a completely new tenant/client segregation system, marking a milestone in user management within the platform. With global-level settings and a structured hierarchy, tenants are now the uppermost level, offering unprecedented[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.5 Revolutionizing Employee Testing

Cyberdise Version 1.5 Revolutionizing Employee Testing Cyberdise Version 1.5 elevates your employee testing experience like never before.  Simulation Breakthrough: presenting Smishig  CYBERDISE brings you a cutting-edge simulation of “SMS phishing,” also known as smishing. Transform the way you test your employees by simulating real-world social engineering attacks through fake mobile text messages. Safeguard your organisation[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.4 Unleashes Domain Freedom and Training Excellence

Cyberdise Version 1.4 Unleashes Domain Freedom and Training Excellence CYBERDISE Version 1.4 not only offers the option to use customers’ own domains but also enables the selection from pre-registered domains available for lease or purchase directly within the appliance. With seamless integration over the domain registration API, the process becomes effortlessly accessible. Version 1.4 also[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.3 Phishing Simulation AI Assistant

Cyberdise Version 1.3 Phishing Simulation AI Assistant CYBERDISE version 1.3 provides customers with complete anonymization functionality for phishing simulations and awareness training. The second AI feature has also been introduced: Highly personalized phishing mails can now be generated with the help of the ‘Phishing Simulation AI Assistant’. The Content Life Cycle is also available from[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.2 Advanced Content Lifecycle

Cyberdise Version 1.2 Advanced Content Lifecycle Version 1.2 of Cyberdise introduces the content lifecycle for all customer systems. Phishing  or training templates can now be updated and downloaded automatically or on demand from the central content management. It is now also possible to historize chat sessions in the Cyberdise Cybersecurity Chatbot and, last but not[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.1 and LMS Global Availability

Cyberdise Version 1.1 and LMS Global Availability Version 1.1 of Cyberdise Awareness & Training is now available to all customers and interested parties. The Cybersecurity Awareness Chatbot is now also accessible to the end user. Access is via the user portal activated in this version, which now also has the basic learning management system functionalities.[…]

Cyberdise Version 1.0 restricted ramp-up started

Cyberdise Version 1.0 restricted ramp-up started Cyberdise Cybersecurity Awareness Platform ready for production – login The first version of the awareness platform is available! The system includes all the basic functionalities for creating phishing campaigns, conducting awareness training and the cybersecurity chatbot, which answers users’ questions about the company’s cybersecurity guidelines. V1.0 will be made[…]