Cyberdise AG

Author : admin

The Psychology of Phishing Attacks

Have you watched “The Great Hack” movie? A must-watch for insights into the psychology behind phishing attacks! Psychology and Phishing Attacks Phishing attacks rely heavily on psychological tricks, which is why understanding these tactics is so important for cybersecurity awareness. Surprisingly, nearly half (47%) of successful attacks still happen because of careless employees [1]. The[…]

Cyberdise Version 2.1 – Enhanced Security and Usability Features

Cyberdise Version 2.1 – Enhanced Security and Usability Features Release V2.1.0 New Features 1. File-Based Attacks Campaign operators can now integrate HTML files into phishing simulations,whether as email attachments or links to websites. This functionality enhances the monitoring of download activity, providing valuable insights into user behavior and potential security vulnerabilities. 2. O365 Incident Reporting[…]

Cyberdise Version 2.0 – Elevated Security and User Management

Cyberdise Version 2.0 – Elevated Security and User Management Release v2.0 New Features: 1. LDAP User Import Effortlessly integrate your existing user database with our new LDAP UserImport feature. This functionality allows operators to seamlessly importusers using LDAP(s) from directory services like Microsoft Active Directory(AD) and Microsoft Azure.Cyberdise also enables setting up LDAP filters tosegregate[…]