Cyberdise AG

Why AI in our Cybersecurity Training for Employees

Our users are already being attacked by AI-based cyberattacks, which is why we should also support and train our employees with the help of AI!

Anyone who has worked with chatbots and generative language models can understand the benefits of AI. But this is even more important when it comes to sensitizing employees to cyber risks! Thanks to AI, the professionalization of phishing attacks is increasing. Criminals are also becoming faster and more adaptable with the help of chatbots etc. We need to train our employees accordingly so that they can deal with the changed threat situation. That’s why AI-based awareness training makes sense.
Another great help is your own cybersecurity chatbot. Train the AI with your own cybersecurity policies, directives and standards. This ensures that your employees’ security questions are answered with answers that are specifically based on your company context and your own cybersecurity regulations. The Cyberdise solution was designed for the use of AI right from the start. The system architecture has interface concepts for proprietary LLMs, in particular ChatGPT, as well as for the integration of open on-premise LLMs. in the product. Further features are planned.

Features Included in Cyberdise Product

Custom Training Modules

Create individual training content tailored to your organisation and employees, which is tailored to the current company context and, if desired, also includes exam questions that relate to your own guidelines.

Operator Chatbot

Ask the operator chatbot for help configuring awareness campaigns or setting up the system.

Deep Fake Phishing Exercise

Create the most deceptive phishing scenarios with the help of advanced AI support. Train your best users with simulations with convincing and sophisticated messages and landing pages that have been created using deep fake techniques but are still recognisable as deceptive.

Cybersecurity Chatbot

Create a Security Policy Database with a chatbot feature, utilizing your corporate policies and controls. Set up a reliable and localized Corporate Security Chatbot for your employees, enabling them to inquire about cybersecurity matters. Ensure that the Chatbot's responses are aligned with your organization's specific policies, rules and regulations!

Phishing Exercise AI Assistant

The PEAA tailors simulated attacks according to your specific selections and needs. It generates personalized spear phishing simulation messages and also constructs an initial version of a landing page for the simulated attack, all based on your provided criteria.

Awareness Campaign Automator

Use the AI Campaign Automator to generate phishing simulations and exercises that mimic the ones currently circulating online.

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