Cyberdise AG

Neue Vorlagen für Phishing Übungen von Cyberdise – April 2024 Content

Über dreissig neue Templates für Phishing Simulationen sind nun zum Download bereit.

Schulungen alleine reichen nicht: Der Grossteil der erfolgreichen Cyberangriffe beginnt nämlich mit einer Phishing Mail, die von einem Mitarbeiter nicht erkannt worden ist. Deswegen macht es wirklich Sinn, alle Mitarbeiter mit Phishing Simulationen zu bedienen. Solche ‘Phishing Exercises’ sind viel realitätsnaher als irgendwelche eLearning und helfen, die Aufmerksamkeit beim Personalkörper aufrecht zu halten. 

Es braucht nicht unendlich viele Phishing Übungen für eine gesunde Awareness. 500 Vorlagen und mehr braucht keine Firma. Aber die Vorlagen sollten aktuell und modern sein. Deswegen werden bei Cyberdise seit Anfang 2024 alle Vorlagen für Phishing Übungen neu erstellt. Diese Phishing Module Templates dienen dem Cyberdise Operator, rasch eine Kampagne zur Phishing Simulation zu erstellen und alle Vorlagen können auch auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Firma adaptiert werden. Es ist wichtig, den Kontext der Unternehmung in eine Phishing Simulation mit einzubeziehen, denn die echten Phishing Angriffe werden immer wie ausgeklügelter und machen das auch! Bitte beachten Sie, dass es fast nie Sinn macht eine Phishing Übung / Phishingsimulation so gut zu machen, dass (zu) viele Mitarbeiter darauf reinfallen. In so einem Falle ist der Sensibilisierungs- und Lerneffekt dahin.


Vorlagen für Phishing Übungen April 2024

Folgende Phishing Simulations Templates stehen neu in Cyberdise zum Download bereit und können in Phishing Kampagnen verwendet werden.

Mehrsprachige Vorlagen für Phishing Übungen:

Account Password Change: The user is asked to change their password to safeguard their account.

Account Security Alert: The user is asked to upgrade his email account due to server upgrade.

Amazon Account Verification: To ensure account security, users must verify their account by logging in.

AMAZON: login verification: Customers are given a security verification for logging in.

Apple Account Verification: We suspect that an unauthorized individual has gained access to your account. Verification Account: The user will be asked to confirm their intention to keep the reservation because the payment was unsuccessful.

ChatGPT Account Creation: The user is asked to install the Chrome add-on.

Dropbox Corporate Policies: The user's employment agreement has been updated to incorporate the latest company policies.

Facebook Restricted Account: The user is requested to review their content to avoid account restriction.

Generated Message Activate Now!: The user is asked to follow the given steps to activate APD Single Sign-On.

Hyperlink: Account Security Alert: The user is asked to update their account now.

Hyperlink: Generated Message Activate Now!: The user is asked to update their account now.

Hyperlink: New Banking Security Alert: The user is asked to confirm their account.

Hyperlink: Password Check: The user is asked to verify their password.

Hyperlink: System Maintenance: The user is asked to anticipate scheduled system maintenance tomorrow.

Hyperlink: Your Account is Locked: The user is asked to address a detected compromise of their account.

LastPass Update Account: The user has been asked to update their account due to some suspicious activity.

LinkedIn Account Verification: The user must verify their LinkedIn account to prevent fraud.

MS Teams Invitation: The participant is receiving a notification that 3 participants are currently waiting for them in the meeting.

Netflix Membership Cancellation: User is notified about the cancellation of their Netflix account.

New Banking Security Alert: The user is asked to login his/her account to enable the new account security update from his/her bank

Password Check: The user is asked to check his password strength as part of the company's regulatory compliance.

PayPal Verification Account: The user has been asked to verify their PayPal account.

Pending Invoice: The user is prompted to click on the link to view and download the unpaid invoice file. An attempt to download the file is tracked in the statistics.

Slack Email Verification: The user is asked to re-verify their email address.

System Maintenance: The user is asked to verify if he/she is prepared to be offline for maintenance of all system.

Twitter Restricted Account: The user is asked to pay immediate attention because their account has been temporarily blocked due to potential security risks.

Verify Your GitHub Account: The user is asked to verify their email address.

Who uploaded this to Droptbox: A document posted in the public domain on Dropbox is now available for download. Having authorized on the page, the user can download an empty file. The file download is not tracked.

Win an iPhone 15: The user has been selected as one of the ten lucky winners of a brand-new Apple iPhone.

Your Account is Locked: The user was notified that on the link he/she can unlock his account that being compromised